The Human Side Of Digital Business Transformation
Master the essential human component of digital transformation
The Human Side of Digital Business Transformation, written by Kamales Lardi, is a must-read for business leaders looking to navigate the rapidly changing digital landscape. The book provides a comprehensive and practical guide to understanding and implementing digital business transformation, with a focus on the human element.
Digital business transformation is an organization-wide change that leverages technology solutions to create, deliver and capture value for businesses. A common misconception is that digital transformation is rooted in technology or digital channels to market. Oftentimes, companies tend to place the focus on the ‘digital’ part, rather than the ‘transformation’ part. The digital part opens doors to exponential possibilities, but it is the transformation part, the journey that an organization goes through with the ecosystem of people, that creates the solid foundation to accelerate these exponential possibilities.
At the core of digital business transformation is an ecosystem of people:
board members and management teams that drive change;
employees that adopt, embrace, and advocate for change;
customers that trigger the change;
external stakeholders such as partners and suppliers that support the implementation of change.

Understanding and engaging with this ecosystem of people is the true secret to driving sustainable digital business transformation success. The author has created a playbook for human-centered digital transformation and building an interconnected ecosystem, a guide that business leaders could use to lead transformation in next-generation organizations. By understanding the key principles of digital business transformation and the human side of it, readers will be able to drive innovation, improve efficiency, and increase competitiveness in the digital economy.
The author has developed the Digital Business Transformation Strategy© framework to help break down the effort of a digital transformation into smaller, more manageable parts. To successfully transform an organization, the author presents actional insights and best practices based on practical cross-industry experience in implementing digital transformation in organizations. Overall, The Human Side of Digital Business Transformation is a comprehensive guide that provides a thorough understanding of the human component of digital transformation and how it can drive success in digital business transformation. It is a valuable resource for business leaders, change managers, and other professionals involved in digital transformation.